Friday, July 9, 2010

Affordable Website Design, What is it?

What is considered to be an affordable website design? To answer that question we will have to go deeper and see what website design is and what its beneficial aspects are. Without these we cannot know what falls under affordable and what falls under expensive, or is there even such a thing as expensive or cheap website design. In my own experience there is no such thing as expensive when it comes to professional service. Cheap means less knowledge and work hours invested, nothing else, the more money you pay for any service the better result you can expect, but that is my personal experience. And considering my personal experience there is no such thing as expensive service, if you want a professional website design then you can consider it to be affordable website design, there is all there is to it.

I have always gone by the “In order to gain something you first have to give something in the same amount”. So you can’t expect to pay a few bucks and have a great looking website that is also search engines optimized. It is simply not possible, so having a professional website design insures exactly that, an optimized website that looks amazing, and that is the money train in online industry.

To be able to qualify as affordable website design it needs to meet some conditions. First of all it needs to look good; a normal user will decide whether to stay on your site or not in the first few seconds. First impression is very important, remember that. It needs to have a well optimized layout, what does that mean? It means that your website sections need to be clearly separated, a user needs to understand what navigation is, what advertisement is, what forms are and what is content. If that is not obvious when you first glance at the site that is not professional website design nor will it sit well with the user.

Navigation is especially important for website design. Navigation needs to be easy for users, if they have to click more than 2 or three times to get to a certain page that is bad, they will leave and never come back. That is also important for SEO, and search engine crawlers. A search engines spider will index only to the depth of three pages max, nor more than three and in some cases even two pages deep. So you have to ensure that all of your pages have a link pointing to them but no more than 2 to 3 pages deep, that is good for SEO and for your visitors.

So these are just a few examples of what a professional website design needs to have. If it has all of the mentioned then that website design is affordable website design not only in my book, but in every book there is. In the end, you have to give money in order to earn money.

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